So I decided to blog it!!! Thanks for the idea Sam!
1. What are your middle names? Kody's, Lars or Larson.....Lars on his Birth certificate and Larson on church records....typo on the BC but, later found out it was his Great grandfathers name! Kayla's, grandmothers middle name and just made a new friend Rae Ann...we bonded with the name!
2. How long have you been together? 8 years on April 6th...married for 7 1/2!
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? Didn't know each other at all, we got set up on a blind date and were together everyday after that!
4. Who asked who out? ya Korm and Kristy for setting us up!
5. How old were each of you? Me 17, Kody 21
6. Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? Mine, Kody even went to lunch with my little sis today!!!
7. Do you have any children together? yes, 2 handsome boys! Kooper 5 and Kason 2
8. What about pets? None....but grandma King has a kitty and my boys claim it as theirs!
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Financial situations are the hardest....didn't used to be!
10. Did you go to the same school? No
11. Are you from the same home town? No
12. Who is smarter? Me in book smarts, but Kody in street smarts!
13. Who is more sensitive? That one is a toss up, Kody is sensitive to my feelings and I can be at times!
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? I would have to say recently Joe Vera's...but we like to go to alot of places!
15. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? mmmmm.....Montana or Disneyland....really we don't travel much!
16. Who has the craziest exes? We don't really have a problem with that....probably me....I have more!
17. Who has the worst temper? Probably me, with each other....but Kody with our kids and lenders :)
18. Who does the cooking? Me, Kody is trying more lately!
19. Who is more social? Guess anyone? anyone?.......ME....don't really think I had to answer that one!
20. Who is the neat-freak? Kody has his moments
21. Who is more stubborn? Both of us, in different ways
22. Who hogs the bed? Kody did when we had a queen, but now we have a King and it is heaven....but Kody says that I'm a "blanket stealer".
23. Where was your first date? The miss Pleasant Grove paegant!
24. Who has the bigger family? Kody.....8 siblings
25. Do you get flowers often? Yes, when we have good cash flow....he likes to make my day...even if it is a single rose!
26. How do you spend the holidays? Usually with my family, because they plan things, but we like to go down to Kody's parents house in Mt. Pleasant when it's "their turn"
27. Who is more jealous? Probably me....i hate that I wish I wasn't!
28. How long did it take to get serious? Like the second date!
29. Who eats more? Depends, lately Kody....I have been cutting back my portions!
30. Who does the laundry? Me.....never ends!!!
31. Who’s better with the computer? Kody, with the technical with facebook or blogging
32. Who drives when you are together? Kody