Today was my cousin Mitch's Farewell. He is going to the Ventura, California Mission. He is leaving Wednesday and he'll be a wonderful missionary. We attempted a huge Giles Family picture and these are the results. W
e had multiple camera's taking pictures, so hopefully one photo works....all I know is Kason will be bawling in every one of them because he was hating picture time.
My Grandma wanted individual family pictures (her kid's families). So we tried this one too, hopefully we can find one that we have everyone looking forward...or else we might have to use photo shop to merge some photo's (We have to photo shop my sisters husband in anyway, he was saving their dying horse.)
Your big group family pictures totally captures what that moment was like. Talk about chaotic. Hopefully there is one that will work!
Well not exactly a great portrait, but what do you expect with that many people. It was really crazy!!Hopefully someone got one that is halfway decent!! Gotta love it. Your fam pic looks great!
ya i'm the sister with the husband who was saving their dying horse haha!! oh that the whole day just made me laugh it was chaotic but gotta love it..and of course i'm looking down at my son on the other picture cuz he wouldn't quite moving haha..gotta love it!! the whole fam damily!!
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